Minutes [ 04.09.04, 11:53 a.m. ]

time is just a ticking away! 21 more days until my josh and i are to see eachother in person. ok, so i'll see him and he'll see lights cause i'll be up in the balcony but that's close enough for me! (close enough to him "seeing" me, not close enough for me to be sitting) ah the sheer joy of waiting for it! *squeal*

i decided to go online for 15minutes then go 'nap' for 30. i have 5 minutes.

so let me stop writing about how many minutes i have left.

candisto called me up i think it was...wednesday...and told me that JG was on PBS. i missed him AGAIN! what is it with me! i missed him on the good morning america thing and now i miss him on pbs. sheesh. i'm slacking off. (and i have issues)

on an augmented note of the same variety, when i was driving to work yesterday i saw the license plate in front of me said JG355 and i smiled alot. and tomorrow (saturday the 10th) the first episode of ally mcbeal with JG on it is supposed to air. now, what time might that be?

so, the peeps in small group have discovered that i can sing and have asked me to sing at large group. should i? i don't know. whenever i sing i feel like i'm singing to further myself, and i don't like that. gotta do some serious praying on that one.

*sigh* i think i have one new action figure to add to my steadly growing collection and that would be a prologue bilbo. my collection is lookin good if i do say so myself.

well i really really truly undoubtedly need this nap so i will go and sleep for 30minutes. please excuse any snoring you may hear. - Weller

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