Before Work [ 10.28.03, 3:18 p.m. ]

RANDOM: "Mountains shall bring peace to the people." - Psalm 72:3

sometimes i wish i lived in the mountains. then i could befriend all the goats and rocks.

ah, went to lunch with my grandpa today. that was an adventure. not really, but after i dropped him back off at home i felt like crying. so i did. all the way home.

tried to find my way to the warwick police station to get my statment and stuff for my insurance. ended up not finding the street, almost getting hit again by some old person and getting frustrated. i turned around and went back home. the good thing in all of this? i got some gas for my tank.

tonite until friday night is house-sitting for my sister's teacher. yea, ok so she's a pet. who cares. i get to stay in a house that's not mine. WOO! should prove insanely interresting. i don't know if she's got any hook up to the internet (tho i'm assuming she does cause what kind of a teacher doesn't) so i may not be able to write for some time. i'll come home once in a while to check up on my faves of course. and to read my favorite story too. but other than that i think most of my time will be spent there. ah. i'm going to take this as a mini-vacay. i need one of those.

told peeps at shaws that i quit. about 3 times. they all laughed at me. as did i, cause could you imagine me quitting? haha. that's not reality. it's hallmark today. excited? not in the least. off to get massive ammounts of paper cuts and have my vision blurred by the abnormal amounts of cards that need to be sorted through. ech. well, it's bringin in the beef rt? maybe if i cooked that would have some relevance.

five minutes. er. i dunno what to type so i'm gonna split. erch, i have a darned lit project due next saturday. maybe if i pay candisto enough money she'll do it for me. and maybe i'm about to grow wings and fly myself to the north pole in a bikini. - Weller

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