Ah, A Mosquito... [ 10.10.03, 7:55 p.m. ]

RANDOM: "Hope is hearing the melody of the future. Faith is to dance to it." - Rubem A. Alves

ooh, i really like the "random" today! so very good it is.

happened to see Soda today. oh wow is he so precious. darn his height tho. ah, all the better to cuddle in. hehe.

seem to be thinking more and more about a relationship these days. i miss it. i don't want some random guy to appease my missing it either. that would inevitably suck.

more than half of my lit class got kicked out today! it was awesome! not really, cause i woulda got kicked out too if candisto didn't hear me say "eh." and report that to the professor. he got so mad tho, pacing the room, that was great. the only thing that bothered me was the massive ammount of kicked out class memebers that were huddling around the door after class was over. i told candisto i thought it may be mob mentality. felt kinda nervous for the professor. darned people with no opinion. anyways thanks candisto for not getting me kicked out! luvs!

ah, now it comes down to it. what else to talk about. OH! i wanted to say something about morgolwen's diary. the picture she has as her header makes me want to see ROTK more and more every time i look at it. i mean, i'm already spazzing about it. when i start to talk about it i get all stuttery. it's nuts, really. i've got my friends scared to bring up the subject cause i start to twitch with anticipation. the point of this? - I LOVE MORGOLWEN'S DIARY IMAGE.

still haven't heard from the chick who'se got my TTT. i hope everything's okay with her and i feel like a jerk, but i really want my movie back. that's all.

work was...interresting. everyone wanted to beat me up. just so they could get sent home. wow. heather started it, then eric got in on it. then matt, pretty soon i had a good majority of the front end wanting to beat me up. they wouldn't really...would they? *inquiring look* ah well.

my husband has a girlfriend. he's betrayed me! josh, i ask you...what did i do wrong? please come back to me! it's like that song you sing..."Broken Vow"...OK! now that i've gotten THAT outta my system, i can start talkin about people that KNOW who i am! ha. *draws in a deep breath* ok.

i guess that's all for tonite. i know, "alas, she's done...". sorry. i'll write later on...after i catch that mosquito that just flew by me! *runs* - Weller

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