Payday [ 06.02.04, 9:42 a.m. ]

what a beautiful morning it is!

ok, so who'se gonna be the one to smack me for not writing yesterday when i said i would? hm?

GREAT NEWS! I WILL NOT BE LIVING OUT THE REST OF MY DAYS STUCK BEHIND A REGISTER! tuesday i officially gave my two weeks! how relieved to i feel right now! though there will be no time to rest between my job now and my new one i still keep saying "only two weeks then i'm done!" which is true.

i'm going from being a customer service rep. on the front end of a grocery store to being a receptionist in a medical office. how great is that! 30 and a half hours a week to 40! 8.25 an hour to 10 an hour (and an extra dollar an hour on saturdays). how great is all of this! and i still get to go to the Youth Convention in Tenessee! how blessed am i!?

so you see, prayer works. and even if you don't know the answer, stepping out on blind faith alone will give you one. i'm all about the faith! my mom gave me a piece of paper that says: Faith is knowing that when you come to the edge of all you can see, and God says "keep going", there will either be firm ground to stand, or He will enable you to fly. how great is that! i still don't know what's going to happen at the end of august when my job is up, but i have a pretty good idea.

a certain Nugget should either be on her way home, or home already today! at least i think it's today. my friend tina is coming back from school in florida to see all us country bumpkins again. i'm wondering if she'll pop in to shaws and surprise us or call us up. namander and i have to take her out to dinner one night so we can chill and catch up. sounds like a visit to longhorn is in order!

speaking of longhorn. it seems that one of our friends is 'missing'. the last time she talked to anyone was when we went to longhorn. she told us some stuff that got us all worried and now she won't pick up her phone. hm. so just pray a tad on that?

and my other friend jean was moving this past weekend. i'm wondering if she's finished yet. she's moving to smithfield which is quite a hike. (for someone like me, it is. i don't go to the 'city') so i guess i'll be seeing her like 4 times a year. which is good seeing as she lives in the 'city'.

it's June already. wow. time sure flies.

missed bible study last night! ach! silly me depends on emails that are sent and this one i got an hour after the fact. but it was from andrew. so we missed bible study. mom says this gives him time to miss me. does she not know he's prolly not even aware i'm not there. lol

it's one to seven today for workage. ah, it's wednesday. payday! - Weller

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