what do i do? [ 09.04.04, 4:55 p.m. ]

last night was different.

david called me and left a msg on my cell. he wanted to talk to me, something was wrong. tho he said it was nothing bad...i started to get a little antsy.

he said he would come over after work...and he did.

his work day went normal. until he heard a call for the police over the radio. the call happened to be for the beach he was doing some work on. i don't really know what happened. i mean, i heard the story but all i got out of it was a surfer had died.

david had watched him die.

how do you comfort someone when something like that happens? how do you react? what do you say? how do you say it?

he didn't stand over him and do nothing, he was the guy that had to drive his truck down when the police cruiser couldn't get onto the beach. he had to drive back with the guy in the back of his truck to the waiting ambulance.

he could only watch helplessly as the lifeguards and medics tried to resussitate.

can you imagine?

that night i went with him to a counseling session. not just for him, for all people involved. it was good. good for him to know he coudnt've done anything more and good for me to know what to do.

i dunno. this entry probably isn't making any sense. and if it does, it's only because my fingers are getting what my brain is missing.

i just want all sorts of prayer for david, the family of the young man and all those involved in the rescue attempt. and after you've prayed for them, please say a small prayer for me. so that if God allows me to help him, that i will know what to say and how.

thanks guys. luvs - Weller

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