CCRI entry [ 11.05.04, 8:34 a.m. ]

aha! here i am at school. just got done reading an assignment that i was supposed to have a quiz on today.
oh, no mistake, we'll have the quiz, but i was supposed to read the articles yesterday, or the day before that.
tried to read them this morning. got up a half hour early just to do so. found out that for some dumb reason the connection we have with URI was having a fit.
a paper is due next friday. that's good. i have so much time to work on it. nah, i'll prolly do some saturday. after i go shopping, of course.
i only have to work 5 hours saturday and i'm excited. not 12 like last saturday. but next saturday i get 12.
why do i think i'm writing like a small child?
it's 8:36.
truly, there's nothing for me to update on. everything's basically the same.
well, almost everything.
sylvia saw it fit to give me more hours at my job. now i can quit shaws. in fact, i've already done so. my last week is next week.
david's happy. he thinks i work too much. i shouldn't have to work, he says. if i didn't, i'd go insane, i say back. he just smiles and says "yeah, but you shouldn't have to." what a guy.
yesterday i picked up my Josh Groban sheet music. ooooh they're yummy. i can't wait till i get my keyboard back and i can act like i can read music and try to play something. lol.
i can read music. it just takes me like 15 years to put the notes at my fingertips and play them all at once. figure that out.
so that's awesome. and i got a new installation to the Sim's. like i need to control little digital people's lives in my spare time. it'll stop being an addiction when i'm at work all day, every day.
it's not really an addiction now. it's just that there are all these little gadgets to play with and not enough time in my sim's day to try them all out. i'm nosy.
SO, i'm thinking that's about it. i should really get up to my classroom and act like i studied the night before.
i look tired enough.
luvs! - Weller

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