gold-ish-ness? [ 11.09.04, 7:58 p.m. ]

i know, i know. i should be balancing my check book. but i can't right now.
there are things to say.
like hos much i love Jaci Velasquez's song "Unspoken". i think i put the lyrics up here once. you know...back in the day.
i've decided that most of the time i leave my heart unspoken. when it's usually the only part of me that has things right.
it's always when i know for a fact that something is wrong, when i don't speak out.
when what i want to say comes straight from my heart. straight from what i know God wants. straight from correctness.
but i don't say a word.
some may say that silence is golden. golden? when? when you don't know how to shut up? when you think everything you say is right, no matter what? then is it golden? or is it the times when you hold back everything you ever thought in fear of hurting someone? no. that can't be golden. that's got to be some sort of darker grey.
when is it golden?
i can think of one time when it's golden, and one when it's pure gold. and there is a difference.
golden? - gold-like. gold-ish.
pure gold? - come on. you can figure that out.
golden - when you know everything you don't say will bring about the changes God wants.
pure gold - when you sit in silence, waiting for Him to speak.
so i guess, silence is golden. sometimes. lol
where did that come from? i guess i just felt like trying to write something "deep". pick something apart.
after all, to quote another beloved artist of mine -
"every moment is fleeting and fragile...this is your time." MWS
- Weller

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