the second half [ 12.07.04, 9:41 a.m. ]

so, i wrote an entry here and am now expounding on it while i have a chance.
so the christmas tree day...and like i wrote earlier, i've forgotten half of it.
i remember it was cold. and windy. and there were lots of pine trees and some mud. i forget which kind we were walking through, but the name began with an 'f'.
on the way through the trees i guess i flicked my hair out of my face and david goes "woah. like a slow motion movie." i just kind of looked at him like "you're insane." gave him a little smile and kept walking. slow motion
they found the tree. his dad sawed it down and david and his dad picked it up and carried it back to the truck.
that was the extent of the trip.
then it was back to their house to set up some christmas lights and decorations. his mom put out cookies and crackers and cheese. yum. she even made me some chai, special me.
then his father's toy car got dropped off at the house. it's a...i can't remember. but he's going to restore it. it's a project like david's mustang, but a little more up to par.
i had never heard david yell before. here he was running around in circles, grinning, screaming "it's here!" hahaha. oh what i wouldn't give for a video camera.
but that was fun. his mom and i got to talk while the boys were out in the garage lighting things on fire. like the garage. ok, so they didn't light it on fire. but they got pretty close. i guess someone was pouring gasoline into the car, trying to get it started, and a giant flame leaped out of the hole where the gas goes. yeah, that's good.
but his mom and i talked about all sorts of things. the one convorsation i remember was the one about hair. i asked how her hair got so cute. it's short and striaght, but curls just right around her face. i figured it did it on it's own. she lauged and told me that it takes her quite a while and alot of hair product. now i don't feel so alone. lol.
the day was wicked fun altogether. and there really weren't any awkward moments.
oh, except for when his dad started talking about my family and how we're a rare bunch of good people. see, he knows my family from when he went to school. and he thinks they're somethin. so i'm just kid of like "thanks" and "really" and agreeing with him. sometimes putting in something whitty about how we're "special". but how do you take a compliment for your whole family?
there was tree decorating, daniel decorating. it was a good tiime.
his mom made lasagna for dinner. yum!
after that we all kind of went our seperate ways. david, daniel and i went to the roller rink for ben's kind of going-away thing.
ben's gone now. he's off to texas to become an air force man. he'll be gone for 6weeks. if you guys could pray for him, that'd be sweet. and just remember sarah (his gf) and david too. and me, i was getting kind of teary last night.
but he'll be back in 6weeks then he's here for 2 then he goes back again. i sunno how this is going to effect them (sarah and ben) but i hope they'll be okay.
i guess that's really it. i'll check back later on you guys. make sure you're behaving...mmhm. - Weller

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