texas! [ 01.19.05, 10:41 a.m. ]

house sitting for the aunt again. always a blast.
they have a little beagle now. we named him jimmy. turns out his name is really pumpkin. well, i guess it'll be PJ from here on in.
things are good, crazy, but good. i never thought i would have so much to do this year. it's insane.
tonight i'm going out with Jean and possibly Rob. but it's all good. i'll say what needs saying if he says anything. ya know?
david is good as well. cute too. hehe. the other day i got roses from a man in a suit. yeah, it was david. lol i like suits. tee hee *smack*
he was on his way to a wake and decided that i needed 9 roses. lucky me! they're so perty.
he said that he was going to come into work and embarass me with them but luckily i escaped early and he didn't. haha. what a guy.
SO. things are good here.
aranel's leaving this afternoon to go to texas to see ben. she's scared and nervous so could you guys send up a quick little prayer for her? look at me, soliciting prayers. they work, what can i say? her flight leaves at quarter of 6 and she won't actually get to texas until like around eleven pm.
and she's going to jump ben. so pray for ben's body, that she doesn't crush it while she's squeezing him. i have a feeling there's going to be a whole lot of crying going on.
well, that's really it for now.
ta ta! - Weller

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