- [ 06.09.05, 7:58 p.m. ]

Fill this out and send it back to me!

A is for age: 21

B is for boyfriend: what about them? yes, i have one...

C is for career: right now i'm an undercover agent for the mafia. next i'd really like to open my own pet store.

D is for dad's name: Dallas. HA! didn't expect it to start with a D did ja!?

E is for essential item to bring on an airplane: not me.

F is for favorite song at the moment: brain fart...sorry

G is for girlfriend: i told you i have a boyfriend...goodness...

H is for hometown: Charlestown. RI. itty bitty teenie weenie thing they call the ocean state...

I is for instruments you play: i can play my vocal cords extremely well. wanna see? *breaks out the pick*

J is for jam or jelly you like: i like the jelly.

K is for kids: don't do well with them. sadly.

L is for living arrangements: where? now i live in a sub apartment. underground...remember...mafia...

M is for mom's name: Susan. that doesn't begin with M. HA! fooled ja again!

N is for name of your best friend: No, her name doesn't start with an N. do i skip this one?

O is for over-night hospital stays: nope. can't say that i have done that.

P is for phobia[s]: spiders. *shudder* eeeeeeeeeegh.

Q is for quote you like: the ones i make up and people laugh at.

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: the one i'm in now. it'll be a year in a month tomorrow!

T is for time you wake up: what day? can we specify, please?

U is for unique trait: oh, you really want me to go there? pick a number...

V is for vegetable you love: asparagus! yummy!

W is for worst habit: working harder than everyone else i work with and getting mad about it. i should just stop working. duh.

X is for x-rays you've had: 2. one of my hand (when my sister slammed it in the van door.) the other of my hand (that i slammed whilst walking up steps. in the winter time. inside...)

Y is for yummy food you make: yeah, if you know me, you'd just cut out Y all together...

the person who filled this out before me lost z. why? who knows. but z is for sleeping. which i'm gonna do now. haha.

oh, wait, z was for zodiac sign. goodness. those are evil. i stick with my original answer. sleep. - Weller

last - next
