what to do... [ 02.01.06, 9:43 a.m. ]

here goes nothin!

i'm getting used to the new template. it's kind of awkward, but i think i'll be okay!

so, i've been looking for a new job. things at the old walk-in aren't what they used to be, and they'll only take a nose dive if things keep going the way they have been.

i've applied for 4 jobs. two positions in a OBGYN office at the Hospital and two at the local VNS office. they all sound pretty good. we'll see if God wants me to move just yet.

david is still stressing over his job, or lack there of. he's become real discouraged and it seems bad things are just piling up in his lap. he has to decide if he's going to continue his education or take a couple semesters off and work like a mad man. what a choice.

i have to decide if and when i'm going to give my notice at work. i'm kind of scared to. ever since the office manager gave her two weeks everyone's been chipper. including me. i'm just chipper cause no one's giving me a hard time anymore. but once their happiness wears off i'll be right back where i started, i'm sure. maybe i'll be worse off.

i guess the doctor took one of the MA's out for drinks the other night. seems she may be our new office manager...if that's the case, then i won't even stay my two weeks. i'm RUNNING away.

pastor wants my father, sister (i think cousin) and i to lead a worship team at my church. that's a big thing!

i keep thinking about the decision that will have to be made about where to go to church when david and i get married. if i'm in all this wonderful stuff now, and i most likely will be when we get married, how am i going to pull myself away if the decision is to go? how am i going to justify starting these things if i think i may be moving on. how can i NOT start these things! they're wonderful!

speaking of wonderful, check out the link to my church's web page. it's spify!

it's all a big mess.

you know, david tells me i think too much. it's true, sometimes i wish i didn't, then there are the times i know that if i didn't i'd be "circling the drain".


i should go and get stuff ready for work. this should be fun. love ya's! - Weller

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