a FLAME thrower! [ 2003-08-12, 9:42 p.m. ]

RANDOM: "To live joyfully is to live in hope." - Judith Bruder

saw SWAT tonite! wow that was an excellent movie. i recommend it to all. wicked good plot. too bad i didn't think of it.

dude, but the previews had me cracking up. "the last samuri?" what's that...tom cruise defending a chinese village? wow, looks like fun. then there was this horrible "movie tickets dot com" ad. i wonder where they get those poor people from. lemme see. there's this movie comin out soon about vampires and werewolves, which is ok if u like that kinda stuff (i should talk with my LOTR/Tolkien obsession) but if ur gonna make a good movie out of it, don't try and pull stuff from The Matrix, aiite? what else was there. OH! the topper! you guys are gonna like this one! it's got this stinkin long title about a mexican and it's got jhonny depp in it. ok, that's cool. depp is hot. so we're watching and watching and what to my wondering eyes does appear...but a spanish pop sensation with a mole dipped strategically below his right eye...with a FLAME THROWER! A FREAKING FLAME THROWER! ahahahahaha are these people serious? ok, so i knew singers turn actors at some point in their career but seriously, after that music video enrique did with that actor chick (who turned singer...go figure) who the heck would put him in a movie..."and here's mr iglesias! enrique! what was it like playing with the flame thrower!?" some should stick with what they're good at. maybe he's good with flames, i dunno. ok, so maybe i'm being a little too harsh, after seeing that music video where he gets beat up, i was kinda like "wow, he's not bad" but after he started singing...and being in pain...after he got beat up (with cops standing everywhere and no one helping him...come ON!) it just all flew out the window.

flame throwers...go figure.


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