OnUpWard? [ 11.01.03, 3:13 p.m. ]

RANDOM: "Always do more than is required of you." - George S. Patton

funny how the "random" always goes with me. today i worked more than what was required of me. 1.5hours more in fact. wow. shady.

i should be doin a lit project. should be. i figure i'll use all afternoon TOMORROW (procrastinate some more why don't i?) hey, when i wait stuff comes out wicked awesome. take my speech classs for example. made up each and every speech 30mins before i had to present. it's all good.

guess i'm goin to good ol wal*mart. cuzcuz just called me up. i guess lil man was makin a giant mess so she decides to take him out. maybe he'll fall asleep. *prays* darn it tho. now all i'm gonna hear is that rap crap. eew. what's up with that, i just wanna listen to some good music with a good beat, not necesarily made by a black person. now, here we go. no i don't have anything against black people. i am half and half. i like black people. they make up more than half of my family. but cuz over here has to take it to a whole new level with the music stuff. i've never heard any white person's music in her car. not a one. therefore it's all black people singing and "talking". variety please.

ah, glad to be home. my legs ache so very much. haha just read evenstar101 and smeagol123. awesome guys. wish i coulda come, sounds like a hoot. i worked halloween. yes, worked. fun.

now my arms hurt. hope i'm not getting some stupid arm disease like carpal tunnel. (however you spell it. sound it out) that would stink like rotten fishes. i guess nothin is really new. i'm just excited to be home, back in my own house where i can do my own stuff and sleep in my own bed *drool* mmm. naps. maybe i'll take one on the way to wal*mart. then again maybe i won't...woman drives like a skeech face.

onward and upward, that's what i always say. well...not always - Weller

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