Easter Sunday [ 04.11.04, 3:57 p.m. ]

i know! don't worry, JG will be back! it's just that i haven't had a LOTR template in such a long time i missed it. oh, sorry if it takes a tad for it to load...really. and ah, precious! we have a guestbook! now all those wanderers who gladriel says are not lost will maybe stop to say hello to us! ooor not.

and this is what i did in service, back row, easter sunday:

me: are you having a family thing going on after church?

jess: yes, you?

me: no, some time you have to come over and see JG on 2 episodes of Ally McBeal. He's so cute and...i love him? But we already knew that

jess: i love him more! do you have the VH1 thing on him 2? why don't you have a family thing after? is your family abandoning you, or are you being 'sullen' or do you just have nothing planned.

me: no, you can't. i knew him first. i've had much more time to love him. therefore i love him more. now that we have that straightened out. yes, i have the VH1 thing. cause there's nothing to do so we don't do anything. oh, now i'm thinking about how much i love JG more than you.

jess: not in your wildest dreams...oh, wait, in your wildest dreams he's 1) a groping pervert, 2) a girl collecting pervert 3)and i'm pretty sure he was a pervert in another dream too. in all my dreams he rocks. this means that in your subconsience you really fear him...therefore I love him more.

me: in my subconscience i fear all boys so that is irrelevant. "i love him with a love that is more than a love, me and my man JG." so there. mom had a dream about me and him. i'll have to let you read it, or i'll call and read it to you. it's great!

jess: the poem you "quoted" is one of the most messed up pomes in the world. if you love him like that then it means that when he dies you're going to lie in the grave (coffin) with his dead body every night. messed up? i think so. weird + gross? i think so. insane? i think so. obsessed? i think so. love? i think not!! my love is pure and true.

me: HAHA! that reminds me of the Ally show! his church dude calls him a necrophiliac! HAHA! ok, love love love. true blooming, birds tweeting, posies springing, singing in the rain, dancing down the street love. Ah, the best kind. that kind that makes me grin like a fool whenever i hear the name, see a picture, hear the voice of and listen for the breath in "mi morena"! Oh, i do love him. and more than you.

jess: you are a sad, sick little man. (buzz lightyear) I own more Josh CD's than you I have......5+ a live performance + a tape. he gives me chills, bills and thrills. ( i used bills cause i needed a 3rd 'ill word) HE'S MINE!!! back off.

THEN the service was ending and we went on our merry little way. sick, eh?

oh, and a side note to jess: if i never spread the Josh...you wouldn't even think you love him more than me. so be thankful i'm so nice! - Weller

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