Woah Nelly [ 06.27.04, 9:52 p.m. ]

can i just tell you how extremely funny i feel right now. not funny-ha-ha. funny.

"he's a smart young man"

"is he?"

"he has to be to have cought my granddaughter."

does that MEAN something! Dang, i hope so! who was the 'smart young man'? David Nelly.

visited my grandparents last night. i was going to visit them before i attended the car wash but i didn't get to do that. i got held up at work. so i called them up around 8pm and asked if i could come over. like they'd say no.

we talked about so many things. job, people at my job, the trip, the moth outside (he was pretty. looked to be made of shiny tissue paper...) you name it, we probably talked about it. even had some low-fat no sugar added ice cream. tasted great to me!

i wasn't going to bring up David at all. so, i didn't. if they said his name i acted like i didn't notice all that much.

and time continued (as it likes to do). they go to bed around 10ish so at 9:55ish i got up to leave. i got my stuff and gave hugs. while stuffing my pocketbook with oreos given to me, i said:

"you have to give someone a message for me." of course i was asked whom.

"Mr. Nelly."

"the father or the son."

"the son"



i talked extremely fast.

"could you tell him that i'm sorry i didn't get to talk to him at shaws? i wanted to but my line was so long and i feel like i blew him off. i really wanted to talk to him."

"and...maybe he can give you a call sometime?" (my grandma...hehe)

"yea, he can do that."

then they started filling me in about the classes and school stuff i already knew and on my way out the door, my grandfather who never really says much says that i wrote earlier. and proving his point i say:

"What! No he did not!" and grin like a fool. i ended up distracting myself from the embarassing situation by fixing a crooked picture on the wall. someone help me. i walked to the car smiling and drove all the way home grinning.

hay vey.

today was the day that message was to be delivered. no calls, no notes, nothing. a good sign? i'm going to say...i hope so.

if anything i was expecting a phone call from my grandmother. she gets all excited about these things.

i really would rather not know his reaction to the message. but then again...

it seems like he would blush often. if he wasn't so gorgeously tan.

i guess my whole thing is - does he want to get to know an old friend, or a new one? and i found out what happened. he has my number. AND, thanks to my grandmother, my work scedule. as far as a reaction goes, i didn't hear about any. well, i heard about his mom's reaction. yes. his mom. his mom and my grandma are close people (they tell me), so after my grandmother handed over the message along with my PHONE NUMBER...she said - "i just gave your son my granddaughter's phone number." his mom's reaction - her eyes lit up and they began talking about how they always thought we would make a cute couple.

please tell me this isn't crazy.

i talked to my mom about the sleeping issue and the whole visiting my grandparents thing. finally. it felt good to talk to her about it. specially about how weird i felt about the whole thing. she understood.

so i guess time will tell. i'll take it one millisecond at a time. - Weller

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