thanksGIVINGness [ 11.26.04, 3:32 p.m. ]

AWESOME thanksgiving!
my grandparents came over and of course hillarity insued. not on my grandparent's half. my sister and i get giggly when there's large ammounts of food at our disposal...
so we were basically insane.
after that we went over david's.
did he tell me the whole tribe was going to be over his house? no. ;p i'll get him back.
but there were three little cousins there. with lots of energy. who's idea was it for them to eat anyway?
kritt (my sis) and i got totally beaten up. it was fun. showing the crowd that i'm not all about beating up irritating small children.
it was fun. it was like i was at my own family thanksgiving dinner. except everyone was white.
sorry, i just cracked myself up.
but thanksgiving was exceptionally good this year.
i guess everything has been exceptionally good for the last 5 months. i wonder why that could be?
everyone's making these lists of things they're thankful for. i am refraining from writing one. i'll just end up writing things like: air, water, grass, trees, life, God, josh groban's voice, david, family, job, cool stuff i have, awesome friends (even the ones i don't really know), life. did i say that already?
see? a boring list. and that could go on forever, cause i'd probably add dumb stuff like: leaves, coupons, my 5 sences, the beautious car i own, a roof over my head.
simple things everyone has. so, why write them?
BUT. i think i'll be calling up some of those wonderful friends of mine.
we're supposed to go bowling tonight with a whole big group. actually, i think i'll let someone call me. yeah. we'll see if they do.
back to the thanksgiving bit...
so we got jumped on, over, shoved, pushed, poked, blanketed by the small little beasties. they were cute. loud. but cute.
when spiderman came on things started to die down. ah, the splendor of television. so david and i got some cuddle time in. he's so cuddly. *poke poke*
yes, and this is the part of the entry when weller zones out and forgets everything she did in the last 24 hours.
well, to bad for me. luvs! - Weller

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