contact [ 02.10.06, 9:20 a.m. ]

another sunny day, has come and gone away in either paris or rome, but i wanna go home.

i like michael buble.


i've gotten calls from the 2 that got fired from the office. it's nice to mean enough to someone you've known for a couple months to be kept inside the loop.

they're both alright. just worried about the future and such. but they both say that the anxiety they had is now gone and they both feel SO much better.

i was talking to david last night about anxiety. i think it's doing a number on me.

like i don't usually sleep well, but this is annoying the times i'm waking up at night. thinking about what could transpire there the next day.

i'm even being mean to david! like, come on. i'm annoyed and guarded to the point that i can't take it off when i come off of work. like i'm still lookin for someone to be over my shoulder with some kind of sharp object.

it's insane.

last night i had a dream that we were making millions of dollars at work between taking in patients and collecting stamps...okay...and i had to count it all when i got off the window.

well, the press showed up and i was trying to count it and all these people were hassling me and reaching over the counter and i was like beating people up. they were trying to take back the stamps and see how much money they could walk away with and me not notice.

i was screaming and yelling at them, beating the hands that came over the counter. it was bad!

but i noticed one thing. a woman i worked with was trying to impress the press so she unveiled her undies for the world to see and exclaimed "this is how it should be done!". so our old office manager came out and saw her and scolded her. the woman said "well, no one ever told me." (meaning no one told her when she was hired that she couldn't moon people at work)

can you see how my mind is working! these dreams are getting more weird every day. goodness.

but i'm gonna be late for work so i should go.

OH! remind me to tell you what i'm making David for valentine's day! i'm so smat. hehe. luvs - Weller

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