NH...yeeah. [ 03.13.06, 9:58 p.m. ]

woah there! everything's happening so fast-like!

okay, so it's not that horrible. but things are getting quick round here.

plans are coming together for our Hazard family memorial concert in June. i'm pretty excited! i get to keep a database of all the addresses and phone numbers of everone invited, helping, and involved.

it's crazy!

"memorial?" you say? for my gramma and my aunt, of course. we miss em. we like to sing. so why not sing and miss em all at the same time? eh? works.

so we're planning for that.

my aund avis wants to take a trip back to KY with the relatives from there when the concert is over. sounds like a blast! hope i can go.

mom says she's planning a vacay then too. but i wanna be with mommy too!!!!

maybe we can go to KY one week then come back and i can go with mom on vacay again! yeeeeeeeah!!!

then i'll quit my job and everything will be right with the world.

sarah and i have started talking again. it's good. we don't do phone talking, but emailage. we're getting to the phone thing again. it's hard tho.

she wants to know if david and i want to go to NH memorial day weekend with her and shaun. i'm like - yeah but no. yeah cause i'd be fun. no cause i don't think either david or my parents would let us go.

hey, we can hope. of course we're not gonna be dumb about it. shaun and david in one room. me and sarah in the other. i DOUBT that would happen. engaged people, go figure. but that would be one of my criteria. has to be. can't go sleepin in the same bed as my bf. that's LUNACY!

who knows, maybe we'll be married by memorial day.


ikay, enough of that. just better tell sarah i'm not goin. well, i'll see if i can talk to the rents first. talk and hear no and get over it.

well i suppose i should go to bed early tonight. david went home sick from my house today and i don't want to get it.

it is ten pm...

aiites. luvs guys! - Weller

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