I'm BAAAAAAAAAACK [ 07.08.04, 10:22 p.m. ]


i have finally gotten back!

and i promise i will slap all you peeps who love me with notes just as soon as i can.

where to begin! let's say i'll write 2 entries. one tonight for the first couple of days i missed and one sometime tomorrow. here we go! now...where did i leave off...


(written July 2, 2004) so, we're on out way. in pennsylvania at the moment. why does it have to be such a long state? things are running smoothly so far.

specially since i got a call from DAVID the other night. *yes*. i was listening to the message L-Speth had left me and a number from charlestown was flashing across the screen. at first i thought it was Liz calling, then i noticed her name wasn't on the screen. lucky me remembered (for once) how to answer my call waiting.

he asked if it was me, and excited i replied that it was. he introduced himself and i got even more excited. he goes 'your grandparents gave me your number.' as if he needed an excuse. so when i replied 'oh, did they' he laughed a little.

i've never heard the boy speak until last night. krystal, who was standing by informed me that i immediately turned into a girly girl. great. i hope my voice didn't reach freakishly high decibles. i tried to act normal. i failed. horribly. but i only said one thing that could make him question my motives. he asked what i was doing for 4th of july and i had to tell him i wouldn't be here. but genius me goes "but now i wish i was staying!" someone beat me. but that's that. we're chilling on saturday.

ok, so i won't bore you guys with the entries i wrote while i was there. mostly, cause i don't want to re-type them. so forget the entry tomorrow. unless i forget something. david and i are going mini golfing saturday after he gets out of work.

i'm fairly excited. i've had my freak-out moments, but other than that...i'm steering towards the thought of a great friendship more than a relationship.

it seems (and was confirmed by my mother) that i rush into things too quickly. like i hang out with a guy and before i know it i'm dating them. then i get sick and tired of them in 2 months. cause i don't know them. everything's such a rush when you meet someone. the thing is, i don't want a moment to slip by. but i've also realized that the best relationships come only after a great friendship has been built. and i have yet to experience that. and if it's not meant to happen with david, then so be it. but it would be so much more worth the wait if it happened that way. sure, i'd drive myself crazy. but that's the way it is.

tomorrow sometime i want to scan some of the pictures from the trip so you guys can see just how GORGEOUS this hotel was. and guess what...PLUS ONE ended up showing up! i'll go into detail tomorrow. after all, i did get home round 1:30 this morning. adios. - Weller

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