i'm done [ 02.03.06, 11:31 p.m. ]

nothing at work can surprise me anymore. not a thing. anything that happens there will be commonplace from now on. *shakes her head* if dumbo, in cartoon form, flew through the wall then sat in our lunch room and made a cake...seriously...i wouldn't look twice.

in the words of one of my co-workers the place is "circling the drain".

there were 3 medical assistants working there. now there's one. there are 3 receptionists working there. there are soon to be two. and we're lacking an office manager, all 3 of our nurse practitioners are thinking of leaving, one already gave her notice, and there's one doctor that is seriously considering his decision to work here.

we were a staff of 11. some people would prefer we be a staff of 4. they're getting their wish. and i feel more than happy to make that happen for them faster than need be.

if/when it does happen, they won't even get the fact that they're the only 3 still standing and will ultimately believe, till they die, that the rest of us were no good.

how sutupid can you get.

the fact that 3 people can alter the future of your medical practice is astounding. the fact that these same 3 are making the other 8 staff members think about leaving forever is even more unnerving.

but the thing that topples the scales in this one is the fact that those 3 people are the only ones the boss will listen to. the only ones who are "mature" enough to...dare i list things?...get into everyone else's business in order to "secure a future" (if you want to call it that) for themselves, talk to no end about how immature the rest of the staff is and how we should all "let thing's go"...while you are droning on about it for a week while the rest of us seek jobs.

the best one...you go with the boss out for drinks one night and a couple days later, two people get fired. people you never liked in the first place. not for any reason but they walked in the door.

should i stand around and be the next target in line?

i think not. i have nothing left here to stay for. ok, so maybe the other dr could convince me to stick it out for a little while longer. but that while would definately be a little.

what bothers me, is that the 3 are the worst trouble makers in the office and the boss listens to every word they pour into her ear! it's reminding me of hamlet!!! these people look over your shoulder, wait for you to do something wrong and run to the boss to taddle. you think the people being spied on are running and telling the boss they're being spied on? no. they get over it and hope for the best. well, they got fired for it today. for minding their own business and "getting over it" the best they could.

it makes me so stinking sick that 3 people can change the future of others. so, they did things they weren't supposed to do, go online while working, talk on the phone while working. all three did the same things. what do they have to show for it? the power has been handed to them to shape the office the way they want.

and the rest of us have to suffer for it, wonder what we should do.

if i've planned it right, i can go for at least a month without a job and still pay the bills. i plan on using that time to search high and low for another job.

this one's not worth it. i've stuck it out for the better part of a year, nothing's changed, things are getting worse, and i'm fed up with the nonsense.

it's time to go.

- Weller

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