Persuasion [ 2003-07-17, 6:39 p.m. ]

haha i just took a love quiz! how great is that! my score was 7...aren't you excited. ok, so why am i really writing here. to tell yall about my adventerous day out on the town.

the first thing i was gonna do yesterday was sleep all freaking 4Nuggets called me up and asks if i wanna go for breakfast. i say yea. we go. ta da. we ate then, with a lil persuasion on her part we got our nails done. cool cool. then we departed and i went to an army place with my friend jess. she didn't have the insurance thing for her car so she couldn't get in. so we turned around and went back to her house. there we watched "Legend" with tom cruise in it...weird movie...then "Titan AE" that was ok, not really impressed but whatever. we ate cookies, i dropped my sis home afterwards and went to meet tami and lidsney at my place of employment. lidsney wasn't gonna make it there in time so she asked if it was aiite to meet her at a park 'n ride, so i was gonna when she called me back up and said she couldn't get a hold of tami so i said i'd meet her at my place of employment and then go to the park 'n ride where we'd all meet. think tami showed? no. i waited there for 15 minutes and, with the assurance that i would not be "abandoning" here there from lids, i went up to the park 'n ride. talked to Namander all the way there and once i got there, lids persuaded her to come along. (wow, alot of persuasion here...) all in all the evening was devine. this morning is where it got hairy.

lids called up tami's phone and left a message chastising her for not having the desency to call either of us. whilst we were waiting for tami's reply, we found out from the stephanator that tami had gone on a lil trip with her boy toy instead of comin with us. so, that got us heated. when tami finally called back, on a blocked numeral, she made up all thexe excuses. i mean, if you're gonna lie, lie once. don't make up a whole freakin story, cause somewhere something's gonna be off. and it was. but i mean, don't lie in a string.

sheesh. so lids is wicked angry at tami, i'm just kinda disappointed. stephanator has decided to take tami out then ditch her butt without a ride or phone...i mean, i do believe that is going a little far. but the only one who will talk to her without being spoken to first is federici. we're all sick of her antics and immaturity. def sick of it. well, whatever. let time bring what may, but i hope she realizes what's goin down before it goes down. and does something about it. *shrug* hasta -Weller

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