Pulling Gollum [ 2003-01-22, 7:06 p.m. ]

ok, so maybe i over did it a BIT with the quiz things. but hey, look at it this way...at least i WRITE in my diary, unlike some little girl known by the name of "4Nuggets". yeah, she can't write in hers. she's too busy. (actually i'll prolly slack off seeing as school started..but that's beside the point)

the only thing i dislike about writing in this diary is that every 5th time i check to see if the entry i've written is there, the picture of Legolas completely disappears. and i have to enter the html all over again and it's just annoying. well, i guess nothing is perfect. *shrug*

so, nothing new has happened. oh, i met a guy today. he's cute. dunno what his name is, but we were lookin at eachother whilst sitting in the same room and then wisser's car wouldn't start so here he comes and i asked him to help us. and he did, and i held his books for him. that was the extent of my "meeting" this guy. dude, i don't see it as a concequence i saw him 2ce in one day. dude, it's a sign! riiight, just like that dream was one right? which one? the one with the elves you crazy squealing orc...NO the one with that kid you work with! um...i'm not talking about that anymore... you are such the baby and can't take a hint. dude, don't make me pull a Gollum on you and make you "leave us alone." is that a threat? nope...i'm not listening...

mel - weller

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