Loss! [ 2003-02-07, 8:34 a.m. ]


yahoo! not goin to escuela sen aur (this morning).(like the english, spanish and elven?) tho ccri did not cancel any classes, i am still not going just for one freakin class. no ma'am. it's a lil too slippery for that. plus, n�n adar (my father) told me not to!

i work at noon today, i'm wondering what will befall. whatever it is, should prove interresting. n�n adar said to go in a little early and he'd pick me up if things got worse as time wore on. personally, i don't think shaw's is worth sliding into a tree. (or some other such object) which usually seems to happen either on the way home or on the way there. i always slide off the road. and it's not like i'm doin freakin 90 either! i'm goin just about twenty. whenever i say that, n�n adar says "well, why do you not go 15?" i'm like, give me a break. yea, so one of these days instead of just sliding off the road, i'm gonna slide into something...and that something is gonna be big. yes.

n�n muinthel (my sister) got to stay home today. her school was smart enough to cancel. and she's still in bed. at almost nine in i aur! (the morning) i couldn't sleep any later if i wanted to. i always seem to wake up around eightish. and when my sister stays home, she gets to bake cupkakes as her "chores" , but, when i get home i get to do laundry and vacuum and all this other wonderful stuff. she's 16, and my little sister...yea...little all right. it would be nice if she made herself useful and whipped me up some lembas.

mel - weller

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