Dream about the Boy [ 05.21.04, 11:07 a.m. ]

Andrew and most of the other IV kids were supposed to be at our church for a concert. we were with the regular chior and were participating in the concert. andrew and a few were there but hope, jill, and staci weren't yet. i went to the girl's room to change into a thick-strapped white dress then put a button-up white dress shirt on over it. andrew and some girl were standing in the kitchen area and she ended up giving him a ring. i turned back, disappointed, just as ms gwen was telling us to get in line. so we did. for some reason i had a long package of chicken in my hand fron shaws. we marched real fast upstairs but by the time i got to the door the chior loft was full so i searched for a place for the rest of us to sit. i didn't feel disappointed anymore. i felt content, like i knew everything was going to be okay. second to last row on the left side is where we sat. andrew had made it to the loft and got up holding his bible. he began to preach about crazy women. something the woman did made her crazy. the bible said so. i knew he was talking about that girl and how when a woman thinks they are in love they create this whole world and end up doing crazy things. he looked at me and smiled. she had proposed to him evidently but the sermon sounded to my ears more like an apology and a scolding for the girl who had given him the ring for being so hasty. doing things before she was sure she was in love. of course i was sitting there grinning the whole time. i mean, it was andrew giving a sermon about crazy people in my church. but even the pastor was "amen"ing him. (this was a pastor i didn't know from real life but knew in my dream) andrew asked us to turn to the book of brittany. liz got out her bible and unzipped it, loud as can be but it was her purse she was unzipping. i said there's no such book as that and laughed. ronneka goes "yea there is, it talks something about separating the wheat from the chaff" i broke open the bible that was in front of me. didn't find the book but knew of the verse from my sunday school years. when andrew was almost finished he handed me his notes plain for everyone to see. i eagerly accepted them and looked them over as he walked back to his place with the chior. there were multiple pages all stapled together but i only looked at the first. there were things crossed out and re-written in his neat handwriting. (i assume it's neat, it was in my dream) but there was a note at the bottom, i believe in red that was written bigger than the other notes he had made. i really wish i could remember exactly what it said! something to the effect of waiting, reading, believing. i can't remember! AH! i need to remember! i told myself that i'd do it when i woke up! but, i read it and looked at him and he gave me another smile. it was time for intermission and we were at a park with a swingset and giant tree. a girl that looked like alana was telling us about how her and her sister were going to the military cause someone was giving them points. her sister was going now but she had to wait. it was alana but with curly red hair.

melissa and meridith were sitting on the swings next to me, on my right, and andrew was not next to me, but a swing over on my left. someone tried to give meridith a bible and she refused and said "i don't need that." and went off to the bathroom.

the whole thing turned into an award ceremeony. kind of like the last day of IV when a person would get up and talk about another person who was leaving but on a grand scale. no one got talked about but got handed roses and good stuff. for some reason i thought i was a vital part of the ceremony and should be called on any minute. nope. so i just watched from the swings. somehow, in my bordeom i got one of the swings tangled and couldn't get it undone. i went and sat on the grass in front of it. i looked over and saw andrew was taking apart his swing and asked him what he was doing. he smiled and said 'nothing' so i said 'yea right.' then hope said 'i wonder if i can climb that tree before everyone gets back' (from intermission which started hours ago) i told her no and 'by the time you get to the tree you'll have to come back'. she took off anyway. melissa swent to go find meridith cause she wasn't back yet. they came back an we were laughing really hard about something and when i looked to the side of me there was andrew, smiling at me and he winked. the whole time, the paper he gave me was on the ground behind me.

OK! now, someone tell me what it means! it has to mean something cause i woke up feeling like it did and that's why i wrote it down. ok, so i write down my JG dreams but seriously i don't usually feel like my dreams mean anything. it all had to do with what he wrote on the paper and i can't remember! i tried to look up that verse and i couldn't find it. BOO! here's what i thought upon waking up. MAYBE andrew and i are meant to be some day. MAYBE the ring thing was that he'll have to be with someone else to realize it. MAYBE the verse about the wheat and chaff was that he has to sift through all the bad stuff to find the good. MAYBE i'm insane and think too much. MAYBE the same thing goes for me. i'll have to sift through all the bad stuff to fing the good peices of something. MAYBE the sermon was an apology from me for being engaged or married to the world and not paying enough attention to the holy things in my life. MAYBE i was the one who he was talking about in his sermon. the crazy girl who rushes into things cause she thinks she's got all these signs. MAYBE this has nothing to do with andrew and my brain needed to relay a message and thought andrew's face was a good thing to get it's point across. MAYBE this dream wasn't really important at all, i just wanted it to be. or MAYBE i'm just crazy. you decide. - Weller

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