Aww! Laundry! [ 07.14.04, 9:13 p.m. ]

yes, i have changed back. frodo and sam will be missed dearly. but i must not distract myself from the task that lies before me.

creating the ultimate JG diaryland template. the one i've always wanted. it could take me a couple of years, but that's OK with me. so it's not really, but i'm having a "if you don't say it, it won't happen" moment.

today i worked 10 hours. at a walk-in clinic. someone give me a bat.

BUT come saturday i will be relaxing and kicking up my heels with Mr. Nelly and that will be worth all the anxiety this week. walking on the wall by the beach then off to a movie.

i see that "aaw" is getting real common in the notes that are being left. i hope you all know that it's because of all that "aww"ing, i continue to write about David. haha. the 'aww'ness get's me thinking about being 'aww'ie. so i blame all of you.

AND html stinks! all those letters and words and stupid <> things. i guess those are useful, if they do this <><. but other than i go. discouraging myself.

i went to my paint program the other day and made a picture of what i want this diary to look like. and once i complete it i will be taking over another diaryland home. so look for that! (in 2 years...when the template is finished) it only seems appropriate to move to another more simple name to celebrate my victory over html. does it not?

woke up and decided to feed my fish Pan, and he wasn't alive. :( i flushed him early this morning. he put up a hard fight. but in the end, old age caught up with him. goodbye Pan! You were one heck of a fish...

alright. things to do. like massive ammounts of laundry to fold. i think it's the same laundry that's been there since i got back from Tennessee...oops. luvs! - Weller

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